There are two ways to subscribe to Entomo Helvetica:
- The most cost-effective way is to subscribe via a cantonal entomological society or one of its regional partners. In these cases, a subscription to EH is generally part of the annual registration fee and can be ordered for Frs 25.- a year.
- Those who do not wish to become members of a society can subscribe to EH for Frs 30.- (+ shipping costs). You can subscribe at the following address:
Bank details
SEG - Entomo Helvetica
c/o info fauna - CSCF & karch
PostFinance, CH-3030 Berne
IBAN : CH73 0900 0000 1575 3973 3
Entomo Helvetica is a Swiss journal for both amateur and professional entomologists. The journal is published once a year in 950 copies.
Rate per page (16.5 x 24.0 cm)
- Within the text of the journal, on the left page
* Commercial advertisement: CHF 400.-
* Non-commercial advertisement (museums, non-profit groups): CHF 300.-
- On the inside of the back cover: CHF 500.-